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This journal documents the author's experiences as a television writer. To read the story from its inception, go to the beginning.

June 13, 2002

Master Po would not approve
I have been looking at the online help wanted classifieds. Listing after mind-numbing computer job listing. Programmers, help desk personnel, software trainers, hardware technicians, and sundry positions for geeks (can deal with technology and people) and nerds (technology only) who dabble in the finer points of bits and bytes. I have some of these skills. But like a Shaolin priest who has the mastery of kung fu to kill with a single gesture, I resist using my gifts unless forced to by circumstances beyond my control.

I last worked full-time as a computer geek almost fifteen months ago. I ran a small training department for a very big company. I was paid extremely well. When I left my job after ten and a half months, even my friends -- who knew I had only taken it to save up funds to support my writing -- were somewhat shocked. The Dow Jones had dropped 600 points the week I gave my notice. People were gathering their wagons in a circle.

I do not hate computers. I just abhor solving the same problems again and again. However, rote is what people pay for. Only it often goes under the title "expertise."

I will probably run out of money this October. Paid computer work may be necessary. But that is not the reason I look at the classifieds now. I look to stoke my fear. To push me on.

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