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This journal documents the author's experiences as a television writer. To read the story from its inception, go to the beginning.

July 2, 2002

Change your place, change your luck
Although my soon-to-be wife leaves me alone whenever I sit down to work in our shared office space, I have not been getting much writing done. Instead, I sit there and feel her presence. Which is amazing since this 5'4" petite being hardly makes a peep the entire day. Yet, like a counselor lost in the woods during a slasher film, I feel something nearby. It is tracking my activities. Keeping a watchful eye. Ready to pounce when I least expect it with an offer of food, drink, conversation, or even sex.

I am 40. This is the first time in twenty-two years that I have willingly shared a living space with someone. And although this someone is so wonderful I often want to cry with joy, she is also always there. Another writer. A homebody. Myself in drag.

As I type these words I am finishing my first day in what has become my shiny new haven. It has air conditioning. It has Internet access. It has a world of its own distinct and separate from the space I share with my significant other. And although it is nothing more than one of the hundreds of libraries New York City provides for its populace, when I come here I am settled and ready to work; the commute on the subway providing the necessary transition between matters of personal life and art.

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