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This journal documents the author's experiences as a television writer. To read the story from its inception, go to the beginning.

September 05, 2002

A clean, well lit place
I was never that guy who could change his plans on a moment's notice and go on some wild adventure to destinations and outcomes unknown. I like familiarity. I like having my routine. It is this nesting quality that allows me to be a writer; to return to the keyboard each day and continue the masochistic dance that craft demands. Yet the last two months have been such a whirling dervish of change that my axis is not only rocked, but shattered into sub-atomic particles. It is this dervish that finds me typing these words in Hong Kong.

I am en route to Fuzhou, China, ten days freshly married, to visit my bride's parents and pay my respects. It is important to my significant other that we make this pilgrimmage. It was important that we accellerate the planning and execution of our wedding to accommodate family members who would otherwise not be able to attend. And it's important that I shake the cobwebs from my routine from time to time so that I am not only distilling life into art but also partaking of it. But I am longing for a return to my existence of several months ago. And although the sleep deprivation of my just-ended twenty-hour flight from New York exacerbates this yearning, I also know that when I return to my writing routine, I will return to where I am happiest.

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